Repair Storm Inlets

This Denver area storm inlet (photo above left) suffered full depth damage caused by heat expansion from the sidewalk. The photo on the right was taken a year later. Notice the tire track on the repair, which illustrates the durability of Fusion-Crete.
Storm inlet damage is seen often in municipal settings and is an expensive, time consuming repair that causes traffic delays and noise. See how Fusion-Crete can be used to repair storm inlets inexpensively, quickly and without heavy equipment.
- The storm inlet repair pictured above was completed by one worker in less than 90 minutes without forms using Fusion-Crete modified dry pack mortar costing only $18.64.
- The original cause of the damage to the storm inlet was eliminated by increasing the expansion joint width in the substrate with a demo saw and in the repair area when finishing the mortar.
- The photo with the inset shows tire tracks riding up the face and onto the top of the inlet and demonstrates the durability of Fusion-Crete. The photo was taken one year after the repair.
- The storm inlet repair was done in October 2011 and remained in excellent condition when inspected in March 2014.
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